Maguth, B.M., & Elliott, J. . (2010). Using Podcasts to develop a global perspective. Learning and Leading
with Technology, 37(5), Retrieved on February 22, from
This article discusses students at a science, technology, engineering, and math school in Columbus, Ohio using podcasting technology to learn about global issues and other cultures. The project promotes a cultural appreciation in the students. The article discussed, in detailed, what one group chose to do their project on. The group chose climate change. The group members took on roles as leaders of nations, politicians, and scientists. The students were responsible for planning, researching the issue and individuals, writing questions and a script. When students completed the non-technology parts of the project they were then allowed to record their projects using Garage Band (an Apple program). Students also edited their projects. They incorporated the use of music and commercials. The final task of their project was to broadcast their projects on the internet.
This is my third journal and this article was my favorite so far! I am not at all technologically savvy and this article spoke to me because it involved a human component (cultural understanding/awareness/sensitivity) that made it easier for me to understand. This sort of use of technology is one that I feel confident I would use in my own classroom. I like the idea of the student-led research, discussion, and composing of questions. I think this activity would make the information more meaningful for students. I think it would generate a genuine interest in the subject for the students. I also think that this interest could transfer to the school campus. I think students would feel more culturally aware of those around them. They may consider others' feelings, thoughts, and ideas they are sensitive to.
Question 1: In what capacity can podcasting be used in schools to develop a global perspective?
I was curious to learn how a school that isn't technology/math/science based could use podcasting to develop a global perspective. I think it would be great to incorporate in a technology class because it would provide a more detailed use of technology and real-world application. Most technology classes are electives though so I do not feel this would reach a broad enough range of students. The next place I thought it would fit in nicely would be in a high school Government class. In the state of California all 12th graders are required to take a one semester Government class. I think this curriculum could enhance a government class. I think students would really enjoy incorporating technology into topics that may not be of great interest to them. I think the technology would make them become more interested in the topics. I think the greater interest could also lead to greater cultural understanding and tolerance on high school campuses.
Question 2:At what age group can you begin have students working on Podcasting to promote cultural understanding and awareness?
I think the approach to creating cultural awareness and sensitivity through use of technology is really great! The students in the article were high school students but I think the use of podcasts and technology could be implemented at an earlier age. I think middle school age students could definitely participate in a similar activity. I think teachers could actually tailor the activity to span a lot of age ranges. Kids of all ages enjoy use of technology but younger kids may not have the ability to do all the detailed research, script writing, and actual production. I do think that kids as young as 1st-2nd grade could participate in some sort of "good manners" or "good friends" or "good playground behavior" podcasts that can be shared throughout a school or schools. I think middle school age students can tackle a similar project to the high school age students but maybe it could just be less detailed. I certainly see the value in promoting cultural awareness and sensitivity. What a great way to accomplish this using technology.
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